Colin Peck, a senior studying computer engineering and computer science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, found inspiration from the loss of his brother to help others. When Brian Peck, a…
On April 16 and 17, 2024, Day of the Badger returns to UW-Madison. This annual celebratory event hosted by the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association is a spirit-filled opportunity for…
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD student Chih-Chun Chang was one of only four recipients of an MIT/Amazon Graph Challenge Innovation Award at the 27th Annual IEEE High Performance…
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professors Chirag Gupta and Shubhra Pasayat, together with Associate Professor Daniel Ludois, have received a $1.5 Million NSF ASCENT grant to utilize wide…
Third-year, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD student Carissa Roper has been awarded a 2023 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) Fellowship. She was one of eight recipients at…
Di Wu has been named an MLCommons Rising Star, one of 35 current and recently graduated PhD students working in the machine learning and systems research community. Wu and the…
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UW-Madison was well represented at the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting in July. ECE students…
Electrical engineering alumnus Joan (Donohoo) Cotter (BSEE ’59) was on campus for a pivotal event, though at the time she couldn’t understand its importance. She was a student in the…
ECE assistant professor Chu Ma and four of her students attended the 184th Acoustical Society of America Meeting in Chicago in early May, 2023. Ma chaired a special session titled “Interaction…
The Vision Statement for the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) reads: To improve the world through bold research, educational excellence, effective technology transfer and impactful service. On Friday,…
In 2020, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) students Wenxin (Sabrina) Wu (ECE’22) and Shenwei (Erick) Yin (AMEP’22) drove over 20 hours to Maine in search of the northern…