August 6, 2019 UW-Madison engineers win ASHRAE Crosby Field Award Written By: Adam Malecek Departments: Mechanical Engineering Categories: Awards Mechanical engineering professors Greg Nellis and Doug Reindl, along with their former graduate student Amy Van Asselt (MEPhD ’18), have received the prestigious Crosby Field Award from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). ASHRAE presents the award annually to the authors of the highest-rated paper presented at a technical session, a symposium or a poster session, or at a society meeting in a given year. The researchers were honored for their paper, “Strategies to increase deployment of renewables using cool thermal energy storage.” The paper shows how cool thermal storage is a strategic technology that will enable increased penetration of renewable energy production into the utility grid. At the time the paper was published, Van Asselt was working as a PhD student under the supervision of Nellis and Reindl. She is now an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Lafayette College. The researchers received their award at ASHRAE’s annual conference in Kansas City, Missouri, in June 2019.