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Melih Eriten
November 21, 2023

Eriten honored with ASME Burt L. Newkirk Award

Written By: Caitlin Scott



Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor Melih Eriten was recently selected to receive ASME’s Tribology Division, 2023 Burt Newkirk award!

The ASME Burt L. Newkirk Award was established in 1976 to recognize notable contributions to the field of tribology in research or development as evidenced by important tribology publications. Eriten was selected to receive the 2023 award “for experimental and modeling contributions of friction, adhesion, wear, and fracture in hard and soft material interfaces, including the understanding of cartilage interfaces; and for implementing interfacial processes to nonlinear structural dynamics.” 

ASME bestows three awards in the field of Tribology. The Marshall B. Peterson Award for young/early career scientists (which Eriten received in 2013, his first year at UW-Madison); this Burt L. Newkirk Award for mid-career scientists at the age of 40 or below; and the Mayo D. Hersey Award for life-time achievements (senior). Eriten shares, “I feel very honored to have won the first two and very motivated to win the life-time award in the next decade of my research activities. To me, it feels great to be recognized by the peers in both contact mechanics/tribology and vibrations fields.”

Eriten received his award at the November 2023 STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference in Cleveland, Ohio.

Melih Eriten
Above: Melih Eriten and Dr. Tevis Jacobs of University of Pittsburgh, a co-organizer of the conference.
Right: Eriten, Jacobs, and Dr. Luis San Andres of Texas A&M (retired), who received ASME’s Mayo D. Hersey Award at the same event
Melih Eriten

Learn more about Eriten’s work >>

Mechanical Engineering – Dr. Melih Eriten