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Student standing in Engineering hall

The College of Engineering is committed to recognizing the potential and accomplishments of incoming and enrolled students by supporting their education through a variety of scholarships at the college and departmental level.

The College of Engineering has several types of scholarships available to incoming and current engineering students. Students should also explore the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH), where you can apply to and find specific information on scholarships at UW-Madison. You can use WiSH to find scholarships available through the College of Engineering, each academic department, and other UW and external organizations. Please note: students must be currently enrolled in, or have applied to, the College of Engineering to be considered for engineering scholarships.

US Dollars3.1MMillion
total scholarship expenditures across the college and academic departments
students received scholarships
scholarships, made possible through the generous support of donors

Scholarships for Incoming Undergraduate Students

Group photo of the 2022-2023 cohort of STAR scholars in front of the UW-Madison College of Engineering

STAR Scholarship Program

The Strategic Targeted Achievement Recognition (STAR) Scholarship Program provides undergraduate students directly admitted to the College of Engineering with a renewable scholarship for up to eight semesters, with award amounts varying from $1,000 to $13,500 on an annual basis. In addition to the financial award, students will be offered access to research opportunities, connections to civic engagement opportunities, team building, opportunities for leadership and professional development, along with a peer support network of exceptionally motivated students. Approximately 50 incoming students are selected for a STAR Scholarship for each fall.

LEED Scholars Program

The Leaders in Engineering Excellence and Diversity (LEED) Scholars Program provides undergraduate students directly admitted to the College of Engineering with an annually-renewable financial scholarship through graduation, as well as social and academic support.  Approximately 40 incoming students are selected for a LEED Scholarship each Fall. Scholarship awards range from $1,500 to full Wisconsin Resident tuition coverage (per academic year).

This is our most widely awarded scholarship to incoming students. Students may receive a one or two year award. Award amounts vary and can range from $1000 – $5000.

To be considered for the Engineering Freshman Award, you MUST complete a UW-Madison admissions application. Selection is based on students’ UW admissions application materials; no additional application is required. Students are strongly encouraged to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®), but it is not required.

Engineering Freshman Award notifications will be communicated to admitted students by no later than early-March for Early Action applicants, or mid-April for Regular Decision applicants. Students that receive scholarship offers are notified via email and directed to log into the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub to learn more. We do not consider appeals for re-consideration, or scholarship offers from other institutions to make any adjustments. All students in the College of Engineering have an annual opportunity each spring to complete our continuing student scholarship application to be considered for college and department scholarship funding for rising sophomores, juniors and seniors. 

Students may receive a one to four year award from the department that corresponds to their major, as indicated by your first choice on your admissions application. Award amounts vary and can range from $1000 – $5000.

To be considered for a departmental scholarship, you must complete a UW-Madison admissions application. Selection is based on students’ UW admissions application materials; no additional application is required. Students are strongly encouraged to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®), but it is not required.

Departmental Scholarship notifications will be communicated to admitted students by no later than early-March for Early Action applicants, or mid-April for Regular Decision applicants.

Transfer students admitted to UW-Madison and the College of Engineering in the fall or spring semester, will be considered for several Transfer Student Scholarships. The Transfer Student Scholarship is renewable for up to four semesters, with an award amount of $2000 on an annual basis.

To be considered for the Transfer Student Scholarship, you must complete a UW-Madison admissions application and be a US citizen or permanent resident. Selection is based on students’ UW admissions application materials; no additional application is required. Students are strongly encouraged to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) to UW-Madison but it is not required. Evaluation criteria include academic merit, extracurricular activities, and essay responses. Transfer Student Scholarship notifications will be communicated to admitted students by no later than May 15 for fall applicants or January 15 for spring applicants.

Additionally, transfer students admitted for a Fall semester, will be considered for STAR and LEED Scholarships and will be notified of these awards no later than May 15 for fall applicants or January 15 for spring applicants. Learn more about these scholarships in the descriptions above.

All students admitted to the College of Engineering with an active NetID and password are automatically reviewed for scholarships through a competitive review and selection process. A student’s admissions materials are used for review, so there is no additional action or application needed to be considered. If you need to activate your NetID, please follow the directions found here. Students will be notified of scholarship offers via an email from the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub,, and directed to log into the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub, which is the university wide system for scholarship administration,, to review the details of their offer(s).

Within our scholarships for incoming students, there are scholarships that are need based and non-need based. These include STAR, LEED, Engineering Freshmen Awards, and Department Scholarships, which you can learn more about above.

College of Engineering Scholarship Updates for Freshmen Admitted for 2025-2026

College of Engineering non-need and need based scholarship offers to freshmen students admitted through the Early Action timelines have been sent electronically via email and WiSH as of Monday, March 3, 2025. If you have questions, please contact CoE Scholarships at

We anticipate College of Engineering scholarship offers to incoming freshmen admitted through the regular decision timeline to occur by mid-April. We will update this section as soon as College of Engineering scholarship offers for each period are finalized, so continue to check back for updates. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact the College of Engineering Scholarships team at

$32M Commitment from The Grainger Foundation to UW-Madison Engineering will fuel growth

Scholarships for Continuing Students

Once students are enrolled in the College of Engineering at UW-Madison, they have even more opportunities to be considered for college and departmental scholarships! Each spring, the college offers an opportunity to complete a scholarships application that allows them to be considered for scholarships across academic departments and the college.

Current students can visit our intranet to learn more about the annual scholarships cycle!

“Our young engineers are the best and brightest I have ever seen. When one of our scholarship students gets their UW degree, it is life-changing for the student and their entire family.”
Rodney Hassett
Vice president, treasurer and director (retired) Strand Associates Inc. BSCE ’62, UW-Madison.


If you have questions about College of Engineering scholarship opportunities, please contact the College Scholarship Team.

Please visit the UW-Madison Office of Student Financial Aid for additional information about financing your education or call 608-265-9585.