December 13, 2018 Booske honored for innovative educational leadership in ECE Written By: Sam Million-Weaver Departments: Electrical & Computer Engineering Categories: Awards John Booske For his leadership in the Wisconsin Collaboratory for Enhanced Learning (WisCEL), John Booske, the Duane H. and Dorothy M. Bluemke Professor, Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor and former ECE department chair received the 2018 innovative program award from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association. The award recognizes individuals or departments that create, implement and sustain innovative programs. WisCEL is a shining example of such programs. Since its launch in 2012, WisCEL has grown to an annual student enrollment of more than 5,000 students. Those students take more than 40 different courses. They are taught by 35 different instructors and 30 TAs from 30 departments. WisCEL now spans five divisions offering instructional resources, technology and support in several multi-use student-centered learning environments across the UW-Madison campus. Booske will receive his award during the 2019 Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association annual conference on March 25 in Tucson, Arizona.