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Shiyu Zhou
June 27, 2024

Dr. Shiyu Zhou takes the reins as department chair

Written By: Jane FELLER


On July 1, Dr. Shiyu Zhou begins his term as David H. Gustafson Chair of the UW-Madison Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Dr. Zhou takes over from outgoing Chair Laura Albert, under whose leadership the department flourished, particularly in the areas of faculty recruitment, alumni engagement, and the overall student experience.

Dr. Zhou, who joined the faculty in 2002, is currently the Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research focuses on data analytics and their industrial applications, including data driven modeling, monitoring, diagnosis, and prognosis for engineering systems, with particular emphasis on manufacturing and after-sales service systems.

In addition to his research and teaching duties, he has assumed various professional leadership and service positions over the years such as the director of IoT Systems Research Center, Editor of IISE transactions Design and Manufacturing focus issue, Chair of INFORMS/QSR section and President of IISE/QCRE Division. Dr. Zhou is currently a fellow of IISE, ASME, and SME.