October 24, 2018 Hanna elected to National Academy of Construction Written By: Webmanager Departments: Civil & Environmental Engineering Categories: Awards The National Academy of Construction has elected Awad Hanna, the Boldt Company Professor and chair of the Construction Engineering and Management Program in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, to its 2018 class. The National Academy of Construction, established in 1999, is an organization of industry leaders―construction users, engineers, designers, constructors, consultants, attorneys, sureties, editors, researchers and academics―who have made outstanding contributions over a career to the design, construction and engineering industries. Membership is extremely competitive, with robust references and experience essential. Its current membership stands at 291. In addition to being a personal and professional honor, election to the academy allows members to volunteer their expertise to a variety of organizations, governmental and nongovernmental, in service to the nation and for the betterment of the industry as a whole. Hanna has previously drawn honors from numerous construction organizations for his work in the fields of labor productivity, project delivery systems, risk management and more.