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group of attendees at ILASS-Americas May 2022
July 21, 2022

ILASS-Americas 32nd Annual Conference

Written By: Caitlin Scott



The Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, North and South Americas (ILASS-Americas) hosted its 32nd annual conference in Madison, WI May 22-25, 2022. 

The focus of the 2022 conference was on the advances in the theoretical and computational modeling of break-up process of a liquid, and its applications in diverse fields like combustion systems, agricultural sprays and industrial sprays. The program included:

  • Technical sessions presenting state-of-the-art research and methods
  • Manufacturer’s exhibits showing the latest instrumentation and hardware in the field.
  • Technical committee meetings enabling participants to engage in specific topical discussions in areas of personal interest
  • Organized sessions including a collection of papers/presentations on new and current topics

The ILASS-Americas conference was established in Madison in 1987 and organized by former leaders in the College of Engineering. Congratulations to members of the Engine Research Center on helping host the return to Madison! Additional thanks to Scott Parrish from General Motors, Michael Andrie, Kyle Bade from Spraying Systems, and Chad Sipperley for pulling together a memorable event.

group of attendees at ILASS-Americas May 2022
A small group of the conference attendees following a banquet at Overture Center in Madison.