October 14, 2022 Kawasaki promoted to associate professor Written By: Courtney Vafiadis Departments: Materials Science & Engineering Categories: Faculty Jason Kawasaki In recognition of his outstanding research, teaching and mentoring, University of Wisconsin-Madison materials science and engineering faculty member Jason Kawasaki been promoted to associate professor, a tenured position. Among his achievements, Kawasaki was selected as a Kavli Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University before joining UW-Madison. He has received several prestigious honors, including a National Science Foundation CAREER award, an Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Research Program grant, an Army Young Investigator grant, and a DARPA Young Faculty award. His research has been published in high-profile journals including Nature Communications and Science Advances. Kawasaki’s lab focuses on controlling and exploiting the electronic, magnetic and elastic properties of materials at crystalline interfaces, particularly Heusler compounds. They use molecular beam epitaxy to grow these materials and study their properties using in-situ scanning tunneling microscopy and photoemission. These compounds, when layered with other thin-films, can have unique and tunable electronic and magnetic properties which could enable a new generation of electronic and spintronic devices.