January 31, 2023 Perepezko elected AAAS Fellow Written By: Staff Departments: Materials Science & Engineering Categories: Awards|Faculty John Perepezko, a professor of materials science and engineering, is one of six University of Wisconsin-Madison faculty members elected to the 2022 class of fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). John Perepezko Perepezko earned the honor for his for outstanding innovations to the fundamental understanding and application of structural synthesis, kinetics and alloy phase stability during materials processing to obtain useful microstructures, nanostructures and amorphous materials. Fellow status, dating back to 1874, is bestowed annually on members of AAAS who are nominated by their peers and recognized for their efforts to advance science and society. Last fall, 505 engineers and innovators who are members of AAAS were selected as lifetime fellows. Each is expected to maintain the highest standards of scientific integrity and professional ethics. In addition to Perepezko, UW-Madison’s honorees include John Booske, a professor of electrical and computer engineering; Nihal Ammad, professor of dermatology; Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau, professor of computer sciences; Kyoung-Shin Choi, professor of chemistry; and Wei Xu, professor of cancer research. The new fellows will be recognized at an in-person AAAS event in summer 2023.