September 23 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM BME Seminar Series: Taeho Kim, PhD 1003 (Tong Auditorium) Engineering Centers Building 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison Engineered Inorganic Nanoparticles as Photoacoustic Theranostics for Cancer and Inflammatory Diseases Taeho Kim, PhDAssistant Professor, Department of Biomedical EngineeringInstitute for Quantitative Health Science and EngineeringMichigan State University Abstract:Functional inorganic nanoparticles...
September 23 @ 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM IISE Letters of Love Volunteering Room 410A Wendt Commons 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison Wendt Commons, Room 410A Spend a night with IISE volunteering for Letters of Love! Letters of Love aims to provide emotional support to children in hospitals by sending them handwritten cards and letters. Use this hour to give back to your community, connect with other industrial engineers, and unleash your creativity! All supplies will be...