April 18 @ 12:05 PM - 12:55 PM Mechanics Seminar: Professor Somnath Ghosh 3M Auditorium, rm 1106 Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Ave, Madison The Mechanics Seminar Series is a weekly seminar given by campus and visiting speakers on topics across the spectrum of mechanics research (solids, fluids, and dynamics). Professor Somnath Ghosh is...
April 21 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM BME Seminar Series: Alan Jassanof, PhD 1003 (Tong Auditorium) Engineering Centers Building 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States Topic TBA
April 24 @ 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM Inaugural ECE Undergraduate Research Symposium Join us for an exciting showcase of undergraduate research beyond the classroom! Selected students and teams will present their innovative work through dynamic lightning-round presentations, followed by an engaging poster session where you can dive deeper into their discoveries. This event is open to the public—come support our students and explore cutting-edge research!
April 24 @ 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ME 903 Graduate Seminar: Professor Ufuk Topcu 3M Auditorium, rm 1106 Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Ave, Madison The ME 903: Graduate Student Lecture Series features campus and visiting speakers who present on a variety of research topics in the field of mechanical engineering. Professor Ufuk Topcu is...
April 25 @ 9:55 AM - 10:45 AM Welcome Back, Badger – Jayeeta Lakhani 1800 Engineering Hall 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison Please help us welcome back alumna Jayeeta Lakhani, General Manager of IoT at Amazon Web Services (AWS).
April 25 @ 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM BME Design Poster Session and Awards Engineering Centers Building Atrium 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States The biomedical engineering department invites the public to a poster session presented by biomedical engineering undergraduates. Over 40 teams will be showcasing their solutions for design projects from clients in...
April 25 @ 12:05 PM - 12:55 PM Mechanics Seminar: Professor Carlos Portela 3M Auditorium, rm 1106 Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Ave, Madison The Mechanics Seminar Series is a weekly seminar given by campus and visiting speakers on topics across the spectrum of mechanics research (solids, fluids, and dynamics). Professor Carlos Portela is a professor at MIT.
April 28 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM BME Seminar Series: Jessica Wagenseil, PhD 1003 (Tong Auditorium) Engineering Centers Building 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States Topic TBA
May 1 @ 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ME 903 Graduate Seminar: Professor Timothy Long 3M Auditorium, rm 1106 Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Ave, Madison The ME 903: Graduate Student Lecture Series features campus and visiting speakers who present on a variety of research topics in the field of mechanical engineering. Professor Timothy Long is a professor at Arizona State University.
May 2 @ 12:05 PM - 12:55 PM Mechanics Seminar: Professor Yuri Bazilevs 3M Auditorium, rm 1106 Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Ave, Madison The Mechanics Seminar Series is a weekly seminar given by campus and visiting speakers on topics across the spectrum of mechanics research (solids, fluids, and dynamics). Professor Yuri Bazilevs is a professor at Brown University.