Beyond picking up a little extra cash and experience to add to your resume, you can participate in research for credit. If you go that route, you’ll need to get approval—generally from your professor—before you start. And of course, you’ll want to make sure the rest of your education stays on track, too. Here are a couple of pathways to earning credit for your research.
Independent Study Projects
Depending upon the project topic and scope, you could receive credit for proposing and developing an independent research project. If you’re interested in conducting independent research, talk directly with your engineering instructors or stop by an engineering department office.
Engineering Honors in Research Programs
Individual engineering departments offer honors programs in which you can plan and conduct independent engineering research projects under the mentorship of a professor. To learn more about whether you’re a good fit for and meet the qualifications to pursue an honors in research program, check out Guide and then find a professor you want to work with.