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ISyE – Movie Night with HFES

3210 Mechanical Engineering 1513 University Ave., Madison, WI, United States

Join other students in the Human Factros and Ergonomics Society - watch a series about digital product design with your friends!

BME Seminar Series: Shailaja Seetharaman, PhD

3210 Mechanical Engineering 1513 University Ave., Madison, WI, United States

Vascular Dysfunction in Disease: Engineering Mechanobiology Holds the Solution Shailaja Seetharaman, PhDPostdoctoral ResearcherJames Franck Institute and Department of PhysicsUniversity of Chicago Abstract:Abnormalities in blood vessel and blood flow properties are key drivers of severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular pathologies. The remarkable ability of the vasculature to sense and respond to mechanical and biochemical signals across multiple...

BME Seminar Series: Jonathan Soucy, PhD

3210 Mechanical Engineering 1513 University Ave., Madison, WI, United States

Engineering the retinal microenvironment to improve donor neuron integration post-transplantation Jonathan Soucy, PhDPostdoctoral Research FellowOphthalmology Department at Harvard Medical SchoolSchepens Eye Research Institute of Mass. Eye and Ear Abstract:Neuron transplantation is an exciting solution for replacing retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) lost in glaucoma and other optic neuropathies. However, one significant barrier to successful donor RGC...