March 15, 2024 ECE undergraduate, college-funded scholarship recipients recognized Written By: Allyson Crowley Departments: Electrical & Computer Engineering Categories: Awards|Students|Undergraduate Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) undergraduate students who received scholarships funded through the College of Engineering were honored recently at a reception in Engineering Hall. Eighty-three ECE undergraduate students received a total of 107 scholarships funded by the college. For the 2023-’24 academic year, the college funded $298,980, and the department funded $504,250, in scholarships for undergraduate ECE students. ECE Department Chair and Philip D. Reed Professor Susan Hagness addressed the students, “I encourage each of you to seize every opportunity that comes your way, challenge yourselves, push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of electrical and computer engineering, and never stop pursuing your interests. Remember, you are our future leaders and trailblazers. The world is a better place when Badgers, especially Badger engineers, lead the way.” Khailanii Slaton, a senior majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and recipient of the Hampton and Walton-Winfield Scholarship, also shared how scholarships impacted her student experience. Slaton noted that while her path to graduation was challenging at times, the scholarships were a welcome support to her efforts. The application for 2024-’25 scholarships is open from February 19-April 14, 2024 to College of Engineering students through Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH). Susan Hagness addresses the scholarship recipients, faculty, staff and guests at the reception Scholarship recipient Khailanii Slaton presents the student perspective to reception attendees Susan Hagness and Esh Kumar Susan Hagness and Bella Orozco Susan Hagness and Boyue Du Susan Hagness and Cameron Johnson Susan Hagness and Van Tran Susan Hagness and Zoe Qureshi Nicholas Fitt and Tyler White Photo at top of page: Susan Hagness congratulates Ian Cherkauer