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Mechanical Engineering ME Undergraduate Specializations

What are ME Specializations?

Mechanical Engineering (ME) is a broad degree. ME specializations enable students to tailor their mechanical engineering degree to their interests in a specific area or industry. Specializations have been curated by faculty in each respective area and are updated as new courses are introduced.

How do I use the ME Specializations?

You can use the specializations to identify core courses, general education classes, technical electives and extracurricular activities that will enhance your education and experience in an area of interest.

Do I have to select a ME Specialization?

No! This is an optional opportunity meant to help students navigate their options as they go through the mechanical engineering degree program. You can closely follow one specialization or select elective courses that span multiple specializations if you have broad interests.

Do ME Specializations show up on my transcript?

No, the name of the specialization does not appear on your transcript. However, when speaking with a prospective employer, you can explain how you chose these courses to focus on a particular area.

How do I get additional information?

Meet with an academic advisor or a faculty member who works in your intended specialization area.

Sustainable Energy

View Sustainable Energy specialization pdf

In the Sustainable Energy specialization, mechanical engineers will learn to drive solutions in the energy sector. As the nation and the world transitions to more sustainable energy systems, the opportunities for mechanical engineering students to contribute to society has never been larger.

The Sustainable Energy specialization focuses your program in this area. You will choose technical electives that prepare you for a career focused on the design, manufacture, deployment and control of energy systems of all types. These classes include fundamental courses in thermodynamics and heat transfer as well as application specific classes in areas like solar energy, power plants, HVAC, thermal system modeling, and turbomachinery.

Sustainable Energy Specialization flyer (PDF)


View BioMEchanics specialization pdf

In the BioMEchanics specialization, mechanical engineers will learn to solve problems in biology and medicine. This specialization will give students the knowledge and skills to develop new tools and techniques to progress the science and industry forward.

Students in this specialization will choose technical electives that prepare you for a career in mechanical behavior, human movement, various aspects of living systems, and design processes. Students will take classes to gain an understanding of how the body works, while thinking critically about the mechanics behind the application.

BioMEchanics Specialization flyer (PDF)

Human Centered Design

View Human Centered Design PDF

In the Human Centered Design specialization, mechanical engineers will learn to approach and solve problems using design thinking techniques with a human centered focus. This specialization will give students the knowledge and skills to contribute meaningfully to interdisciplinary design teams in a wide range of application areas, all with the common thread of improving quality of life through design.

Students in this specialization will choose technical electives that prepare them for a career as a design engineer, with a focus on making rigorous, research-based design decisions that center the end user. Students will take classes to gain an understanding of design thinking, human factors, product design, statistics, anthropology, sociology, psychology, marketing, communication, computer science, and consumer science.

Human Centered Design Specialization flyer (PDF)


View Robotics PDF

In the Robotics specialization, mechanical engineers will learn to solve problems in robotics and related fields. This specialization will give students the knowledge and skills required to meaningfully contribute to interdisciplinary robotics design and development efforts in a wide range of application areas.

Students in the specialization will choose technical electives that will prepare them for a career in robotics and mechatronics. Students will take classes to gain an understanding of robotic systems, which requires an interdisciplinary skill set and holistic design methods. Students can take classes in robotic system fundamentals including mechatronics, kinematics, dynamics, and feedback controls while also exploring specific application areas such as marine robotics, micro robotics, legged robotics, autonomous systems, and automation.

Robotics Specialization flyer (PDF)