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Mechanical Engineering Research

John Pfotenhauer lab

Energy systems

Energy researchers apply mechanical engineering principles to systems that convert energy from one form to another. These systems include things like power production from conventional and renewable sources as well as building energy systems and refrigeration. Our research efforts in energy span several groups working in a number of different technology areas; however, each of these areas relies on a solid foundation of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.

Researchers in our Engine Research Center are working to improve internal combustion engine efficiency and reduce the pollution they cause. Researchers in our Solar Energy Laboratory work on renewable energy resource use and ways to reduce energy demand, including improving building energy systems. Researchers in our Thermal Hydraulics Lab collaborate with industry to tackle cutting-edge issues associated with the next generation of power plants, while researchers in our Cryogenic Engineering Lab are developing thermal management strategies at extremely low temperatures, which will enable technologies like quantum computing.


Faculty associates

Faculty affiliates

Laboratories and Centers

Mark Anderson lab

Mark Anderson

Thermal Hydraulics Laboratory

Prof. Anderson’s research spans fundamental physics and applications relating to advanced energy utilization, energy extraction and energy production with the main focus on experimental thermal hydraulics for advanced nuclear, solar and waste heat recovery energy sources.

Bonazza shock tube lab

Riccardo Bonazza

Wisconsin Shock Tube Laboratory WiSTL

Prof. Riccardo Bonazza’s interests are in the experimental investigation of impulsive, unsteady fluid flows such as shock-interface interactions, shock-driven mixing, and shock-initiated combustion.

Jennifer Franck

Jen Franck

Computational Flow Physics and Modeling Lab

Prof. Jen Franck’s Computational Flow Physics and Modeling Lab  investigates the dynamics and physics of unsteady fluid flows.

Jaal Ghandhi

Jaal Ghandhi

Engine Research Center

Prof. Jaal Ghandhi’s research focuses on developing advanced, laser-based diagnostics for making planar measurements of the concentration and temperature fields within the combustion chamber of operating engines. He is also a principal investigator in the Engine Research Center.

Eric Kazyak

Eric Kazyak

Materials for Energy and Sustainability

Prof. Eric Kazyak’s lab seeks to consider the wide range of factors that interact with technologies in the real world including social justice, resource extraction, materials science, and infrastructure.

Sage Kokjohn

Sage Kokjohn

Engine Research Center

Prof. Sage Kokjohn researches high efficiency energy conversion, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, and turbulent combustion modeling. He is a principal investigator in the Engine Research Center and a member of the Decarbonized-Engine Research Consortium.

Weiyu Li

Weiyu Li

Li’s Energy and Sustainability Solutions (LESS) lab

Prof. Li’s expertise lies in theoretical and computational modeling of transport in energy systems. Leading the LESS lab, she aims to advance sustainability across energy and related fields, striving to achieve more with LESS. The core mission of LESS is to develop efficient mathematical models and numerical simulations that enhance sustainable energy conversion, utilization, and de-carbonization.

Allison Mahvi

Allison Mahvi

Solar Energy Lab

Prof. Allison Mahvi has research interests in thermal energy storage materials and systems, high-efficiency thermal systems, HVAC systems, two-phase fluid dynamics and heat transfer. She is a member of the Solar Energy Lab.

Luca Mastropasqua

Luca Mastropasqua

Hydrogen and Electrochemical Research for Decarbonization Lab

Prof. Luca Mastropasqua’s HERD lab researches and develops electrochemical energy and hydrogen-based systems to promote decarbonization and sustainable development. He is also a principal investigator in the Engine Research Center.

Franklin Miller

Franklin Miller

Cryogenics & Solar Energy Lab

Prof. Franklin Miller has research interests in cryogenics, thermodynamics of superfluid 3He-4He mixtures, sub-kelvin cooling for space science and energy systems. He is also a member of the Solar Energy Lab.

Greg Nellis

Greg Nellis

Solar Energy Lab

Prof. Greg Nellis is the Director of the Solar Energy Lab and his research interests focus on heat transfer, thermodynamics, and cryogenics.

Frank Pfefferkorn

Frank Pfefferkorn

Laser-assisted Multi-scale Manufacturing Laboratory (LAMSML)

Prof. Frank Pfefferkorn’s teaching and research are focused on discrete metal part manufacturing processes, and heat transfer as it applies to manufacturing processes.

James Pikul

James Pikul

Pikul Research Group

The Pikul Research Group seeks to make transformative advances in energy storage, energy conversion, multifunctional materials, and robotics by understanding and exploiting nanoscale to macroscopic characteristics of electrochemistry and soft matter. Prof. Pikul’s work intersects the school’s efforts in energy storage, robotics, multifunctional materials, and manufacturing.

Xiaoping Qian

Xiaoping Qian

Computational Design and Manufacturing Lab

Prof. Xiaoping Qian’s group conducts research in computer methods for design and manufacturing automation, with technical emphasis on multi-physics topology optimization and geometric design.

Doug Reindl

Doug Reindl

Industrial Refrigeration Consortium

Prof. Doug Reindl has interests and expertise in a number of areas related to industrial refrigeration systems that include system safety, optimization, assessment of design alternatives, conceptual design, energy conservation measures, system modeling, and field evaluation. He is the founding director of the IRC.

Alejandro Roldán-Alzate

Alejandro Roldán-Alzate

Cardiovascular Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

Prof. Roldán-Alzate’s laboratory focuses its research on fluid dynamics analysis of physiological and pathological flows using a combination of medical imaging, additive manufacturing and computational fluid dynamics.

Dave Rothamer

Dave Rothamer

Rothamer Research Group

Prof. Dave Rothamer’s group is part of the Engine Research Center, one of the largest academic research centers focused on internal combustion engines. He is the Director and a Principal Investigator of the ERC.

Scott Sanders

Scott Sanders

Center for Hyperspectral Photonics

Prof. Sanders’ group develops optical instrumentation and sensors that help solve critical problems in diverse areas including energy, manufacturing, and health. He is also a member of the Engine Research Center.

Eric Tervo

Eric Tervo

Energy Transport & Conversion Laboratory

Dr. Eric Tervo’s research focuses on developing semiconductor materials and devices for energy conversion and thermal management through the study of combined heat, light, and charge transfer processes.

Dakotah Thompson

Dakotah Thompson

Thermal Transport Lab

Prof. Thompson’s research interests include Thermal energy transport and conversion, calorimetry, and nanofabrication.

Mario Trujillo

Mario Trujillo

Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamics

Prof. Trujillo’s group is interested in a variety of multiphase flow problems ranging from micron-size particles transported in analytical flow fields to various industrial liquid spray applications. He is also a member of the Engine Research Center.

Michael Wagner youtube screenshot

Michael J. Wagner

Energy Systems Optimization Lab

The Energy Systems Optimization Lab seeks to improve the design, performance, and characterization of energy generation and storage systems by applying advanced simulation and optimization techniques to applied systems.


Engine Research Center


The Engine Research Center (ERC) is a world-leading research group at UW-Madison, dedicated to investigating the fundamental thermo-physical processes that control combustion performance and the pollutant emissions formed during combustion in internal combustion engines.

DERC group

Direct – injection Engine Research Consortium


The international Direct-injection Engine Research Consortium is coordinated by the ERC at UW-Madison. It assists engine manufacturers and related industries to meet future engine requirements for improved fuel efficiency and reduced costs.


Solar Energy Lab


The UW-Madison College of Engineering’s Solar Energy Lab (SEL) is the oldest of its kind in the world. It has been recognized nationally and internationally for accomplishments in practical applications for solar energy.


Industrial Refrigeration Consortium


The IRC is a collaborative effort between UW-Madison and industry. Together it shares a common goal of improving safety, efficiency, and productivity of industrial refrigeration systems and technologies.