March 6, 2024
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
Engineering Hall – Huibregtse Family Commons (1st floor lobby/study space)
Stop by the Engineering Hall first floor commons for an informal chat with ECE Professor and Department Chair Susan Hagness. At past events, students have asked our professors about everything from hobbies, to ethics in engineering, to course suggestions. (Ask Prof. Hagness about classical music and violin!) Snacks and good conversation will be available to all. No registration required.
Professor Hagness’ research interests include:
- bioelectromagnetics
- computational electromagnetics
- dielectric spectroscopy
- FDTD theory and applications, including multi-physics solvers
- microwave diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for biological and medical applications
- microwave ablation antennas and systems
- microwave thermoacoustics
- microwave inverse scattering
- microwave breast imaging
- STEM outreach