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NEEP Seminar: JungHyun Bae, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

March 20 @ 12:00 PM 1:00 PM

Thursday, March 20
12:00 – 1:00pm
ERB 106 (Contact for assistance with remote participation.)

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Speaker: JungHyun Bae, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Bio: Dr. JungHyun Bae, appointed as a Eugene P. Wigner Distinguished Staff Fellow, joined Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 2022. He is a staff member of the Used Fuel and Nuclear Material Disposition group within the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division. Currently, his research focuses on developing an advanced muon tomography system to monitor spent nuclear fuel casks and a muon detector for enhancing environmental surveillance for long-term nuclear wastes in the Underground Research Laboratory. 

This seminar is presented by the Institute for Nuclear Energy Systems and the Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics Department.