Tuesday, April 15
12:00 – 1:00pm
ERB 106
Remote Participation: Please contact office@ep.wisc.edu for the Zoom link.
Title: TBA
Abstract: TBA
Speaker: Kamal Abdulraheem, Michigan Institute for Data & AI in Society
Bio: Kamal Abdulraheem is a Schmidt AI in Science Fellow with the Michigan Institute for Data & AI in Society. His research focuses on the fusion of Artificial Intelligence and Control theory to design and develop autonomous control systems capable of decision-making, prognosis, diagnosis, adaptation, and control. The goal of this research is to enhance AI/ML capabilities for control theory with applications to complex engineering systems like nuclear power plants (NPPs). It concerns applying AI/ML practices, including Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Deep Neural Networks to numerically solve complex models in control theory, which are challenging using traditional methods.
This seminar is presented by the Institute for Nuclear Energy Systems and the Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics Department.