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BME Seminar Series: Taeho Kim, PhD

1003 (Tong Auditorium) Engineering Centers Building 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States

Engineered Inorganic Nanoparticles as Photoacoustic Theranostics for Cancer and Inflammatory Diseases Taeho Kim, PhDAssistant Professor, Department of Biomedical EngineeringInstitute for Quantitative Health Science and EngineeringMichigan State University Abstract:Functional inorganic nanoparticles feature interesting optical, magnetic, plasmonic, and catalytic properties as well as effective (bio)molecular recognition. Nanoparticles with imaging capabilities can be used as sensitive diagnostics to...

IISE Letters of Love Volunteering

Room 410A Wendt Commons 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison

Wendt Commons, Room 410A Spend a night with IISE volunteering for Letters of Love! Letters of Love aims to provide emotional support to children in hospitals by sending them handwritten cards and letters. Use this hour to give back to your community, connect with other industrial engineers, and unleash your creativity! All supplies will be...

CBE Seminar Series: Zahra Fakhraai

1610 Engineering Hall 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States

Zahra FakhraaiDepartment of ChemistryUniversity of Pennsylvania PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, PA Interface Evolution During Electrochemistry Photoelectrochemical reactions have emerged as a direct pathway to harvest solar energy for sustainable chemistry. However, understanding and...

IISE Social: Bonfire & S’mores

Dejope residence hall 650 Elm Dr, Madison, Wisconsin

Dejope residence bonfire pit (backside of Dejope) Enjoy a relaxing evening curled up by the Dejope residence hall with a bonfire and s'mores with IISE! We are so excited to have our first social event of the year to take advantage of the beautiful fall weather. Kickback, take a break from homework, and hangout! Free S'mores...

ECE Discovery Panel: Computer Systems & Architecture

2317 Engineering Hall 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison

Undergraduates! Join us as faculty members explore the technical area of Computer Systems & Architecture! All undergraduate students are welcome as Teaching Professor Eric Hoffman, Associate Professor Joshua San Miguel, and Assistant Professor Tsung-Wei Huang talk about application ideas, advanced course electives in this area, and future job opportunities. It's a great event to ask...

Materials Science & Engineering Seminar Series: Associate Professor Hang Z. Yu

UW-Madison Department of Materials Science and Engineering welcomes this week’s seminar speaker, Associate Professor Hang Z. Yu. The seminar on “Shear-Driven Metallurgy for Additive and Sustainable Manufacturing” will be on Thursday, Sept. 26 in MS&E 265 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Abstract Relying on melting and rapid solidification, mainstream fusion-based metal additive manufacturing processes...

ME 903 Graduate Seminar: Professor Tom Turng

3M Auditorium, rm 1106 Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Ave, Madison

The ME 903: Graduate Student Lecture Series features campus and visiting speakers who present on a variety of research topics in the field of mechanical engineering. Professor Tom Turng is professor at UW-Madison. Plastics: Our Love-Hate Relationship with Plastics Abstract: Due to their availability, versatility, low cost, great processability, and performance, plastics have become the...

Efficient Branching Rules for Optimizing Range and Order-Based Objective Functions

1163 Mechanical Engineering 1513 Engineering Dr., Madison, WI, United States

  We consider range minimization problems featuring exponentially many variables, as frequently arising in fairness-oriented or bi-objective optimization. While branch and price is successful at solving cost-oriented problems with many variables, the performance of classical branch-and-price algorithms for range minimization is drastically impaired by weak linear programming relaxations. We propose range branching, a generic branching...


Mechanics Seminar Series: Professor Marcia Cooper

3M Auditorium, rm 1106 Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Ave, Madison

The Mechanics Seminar Series is a weekly seminar given by campus and visiting speakers on topics across the spectrum of mechanics research (solids, fluids, and dynamics). Professor Marcia Cooper is a professor at Texas A&M University.

BME Seminar Series: Molly Bright, D.Phil.

1003 (Tong Auditorium) Engineering Centers Building 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States

Translational neurovascular fMRI throughout the central nervous system Molly Bright, D.Phil.Assistant ProfessorBiomedical EngineeringPhysical Therapy and Human Movement SciencesNorthwestern University Abstract:Functional MRI offers unique promise for non-invasively mapping activity throughout the central nervous system, yet numerous challenges have kept it from clinical translation. Our lab seeks to address these challenges, using fMRI to characterize individual neuropathophysiology...