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ECE Discovery Panel: Quantum, Optics & Photonics

1413 Engineering Hall - Cheney Room 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States

Engineering undergraduates! Join us in the Cheney Room (1413 Engineering Hall) as faculty members explore the technical area of Quantum, Optics & Photonics! All undergraduate students are welcome as Assistant Professor...

ISyE Alumni Panel

All students are invited to join us as we welcome back these ISyE alumni.

ECE RISE-AI and RISE-EARTH Seminar Series – Seah Kim

4610 Engineering Hall 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison

Join us as Seah Kim, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley, presents Scalable SoC Architectures for Domain-Specific Computing: From Algorithms to Silicon.

NEEP Seminar: Tara Righetti, University of Wyoming

Thursday, February 20 | 12:00pmEngineering Hall 1610 Speaker: Tara Righetti, University of Wyoming Title: Climate, Clean Energy, and the Social Contract Abstract: Advanced Nuclear and CCUS feature prominently in the...

ME 903 Graduate Seminar: Professor Sastry Pamidi

3M Auditorium, rm 1106 Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Ave, Madison

The ME 903: Graduate Student Lecture Series features campus and visiting speakers who present on a variety of research topics in the field of mechanical engineering. Professor Sastry Pamidi is...

ISyE – “IISE on ICE”

Memorial Union 800 Langdon St, Madison, Wisconsin

Join IISE for an evening of ice skating at Memorial Union.

Event Series ME Faculty Candidate Seminar

ME Faculty Candidate Seminar

2188 Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Avenue, Madison, WI, United States

Join the Department of Mechanical Engineering for Faculty Candidate Seminars during the Spring 2025 semester. These will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays of each week from 12-1pm in room...

BME Seminar Series: Mehmet Orman, PhD

1003 (Tong Auditorium) Engineering Centers Building 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States

Metabolic Adaptations of Drug-Tolerant Persister Cells Mehmet A Orman, PhDAssociate ProfessorChemical and Biomolecular Engineering DepartmentUniversity of Houston Abstract:My research focuses on understanding drug-tolerant phenotypes, particularly persister cells, in both prokaryotic...

MS&E Faculty Search Presentation: Dr. Jiale Shi

UW-Madison Department of Materials Science and Engineering welcomes Dr. Jiale Shi. Their presentation on “AI-driven Computational Predictions for Polymeric Materials” will be on Monday, Feb. 24 in MS&E 265 from...