March 14 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ISyE – Cyber-Manufacturing: Delivering Manufacturing Services Over Web 3.0 1163 Mechanical Engineering 1513 Engineering Dr., Madison, WI, United States Cybermanufacturing enables the shared use of networked manufacturing infrastructure to deliver manufacturing resources on-demand while maximizing capacity utilization, reducing consumption of natural and material resources, and reducing costs to product design and manufacturing. This talk will highlight three areas where our group has contributed to the understanding of Cybermanufacturing systems – 1) With the explosive... Free
March 14 @ 12:05 PM - 12:55 PM Mechanics Seminar Series: Professor Franck Vernerey 3M Auditorium, rm 1106 Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Ave, Madison The Mechanics Seminar Series is a weekly seminar given by campus and visiting speakers on topics across the spectrum of mechanics research (solids, fluids, and dynamics). Professor Franck Vernerey is a professor at the University of Colorado Boulder.
March 17 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM BME Seminar Series: Shalin Mehta, PhD 1003 (Tong Auditorium) Engineering Centers Building 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States Mapping cellular responses to perturbations with dynamic computational imaging and AI Shalin Mehta, PhDPlatform LeaderComputational MicroscopyChan Zuckerberg Biohub co-sponsors: Morgridge Institute for Research and the Center for Quantitative Cellular Imaging Abstract:Discovery of biological mechanisms, drugs, and therapeutics is being accelerated by image-based profiling of cellular responses to perturbations. In this seminar, I will discuss our...
March 17 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Biomechanics Faculty Candidate Seminar: Ronghui Wu 2188 Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Avenue, Madison, WI, United States Join the Department of Mechanical Engineering for Faculty Candidate Seminars during the Spring 2025 semester. These will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays of each week from 12-1pm in room 2188 ME Building.
March 18 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ISyE-Let’s Dance! Back by popular demand and just in time for March Madness, Professor Laura Albert will share her advice on how to build a better bracket.
March 18 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM NEEP Seminar: Christopher Perfetti, University of New Mexico Tuesday, March 1812:00-1:00pmERB 106Remote Participation: Please contact for the Zoom link. Title: TBA Abstract: TBA Speaker: Christopher Perfetti, University of New Mexico This seminar is presented by the Institute for Nuclear Energy Systems and the Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics Department.
March 18 @ 12:20 PM - 12:50 PM ECE Discovery Panel: Applied Electromagnetics & Acoustics 1413 Engineering Hall - Cheney Room 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States Engineering undergraduates! Join us in the Cheney Room (1413 Engineering Hall) as faculty members explore the technical area of Applied Electromagnetics & Acoustics! All undergraduate students are welcome as Assistant Professor Chu Ma, Assistant Teaching Professor Nathan Strachen, and Assistant Professor Haihan Sun talk about application ideas, advanced course electives in this area, and future job...
March 19 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Invited Fluid Mechanics Seminar 2188 Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Avenue, Madison, WI, United States Join the Department of Mechanical Engineering for Faculty Candidate Seminars during the Spring 2025 semester. These will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays of each week from 12-1pm in room 2188 ME Building.
March 19 @ 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM CEE Mentor Night Union South, Varsity III 1308 West Dayton St, Madison, Wisconsin, United States Share your career insights with the next generation of Badger engineers during Mentor Night on March 19 at Union South from 5:30-7:30 pm. This event gives students an opportunity to learn about career focus areas within the fields of civil, environmental, and geological engineering through structured networking time with alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of...
March 20 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM NEEP Seminar: JungHyun Bae, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Thursday, March 20 12:00 - 1:00pmERB 106Remote Participation: Please contact for the Zoom link. Title: Cosmic Ray Muons for Spent Nuclear Fuel Monitoring, Geological Repository, Nuclear Security, and Quantum...