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UW-ISyE Annual Town Hall Meeting

Zoom: Registration required 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison

Join us to hear the latest news, including campus, college and department updates. We’ll share highlights from our undergraduate and graduate programs, with a special spotlight on some of the exciting research that’s been happening.

ME & ISyE Golf Outing

University Ridge Golf Course 9002 County Rd PD, Fitchburg, Wisconsin, United States

The Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial & Systems Engineering host a joint annual summer golf outing that engages Industrial Advisory Board members and alumni. Contact Caitlin Scott ( or...

Alumni Ice Cream Social

Memorial Union Terrace 800 Langdon St., Madison, Wisconsin

Hey, Badger Engineering Alum!  We invite you to join us for an evening of reminiscing, networking, and delicious Babcock ice cream on Thursday, August 15th from 5-7pm at the Memorial Union Terrace.  Alumni from across the college will have the chance to connect at one of the most beloved sites on campus.

ECE New Graduate Student Orientation

Graduate Student Orientation offers newly enrolled graduate students the support and resources needed to help transition to life as a UW-ECE graduate student. The event will provide information on payroll, benefits, student services and more. Lunch will follow the morning session. All first-year graduate students are required to attend, except those enrolled in the MS...

New Graduate Student Orientation

3M Auditorium, rm 1106 Mechanical Engineering Building 1513 University Ave, Madison

Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics new graduate students are invited to join us on Friday, August 30th from 10:30-3:30pm in the Mechanical Engineering Building Room #1106 for New Graduate Student Orientation. Come meet your peers, interact with faculty, find out about graduate student services, learn about the Grad Student Advisory Council, or ask questions specific to you. This orientation will be the perfect way to jumpstart your...

How valuable can patient data be for hospital operations? 

2180 Mechanical Engineering 1513 University Ave, Madison, WI, United States

  With the growing availability of patient-level data and advanced data analytics tools, hospitals are increasingly working to develop prediction models that leverage this rich data to improve operational efficiency. However, analyzing raw patient-level data and deploying real-time analytics that rely on them brings another set of challenges for hospital systems. In this context, evaluating the...


BME Welcome Back Ice Cream Social

Engineering Centers Building Atrium 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States

All Biomedical Engineering undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to join us in celebrating the new academic year. Enjoy ice cream and department giveaways in the ECB atrium from 2-4pm.

Precision 3D/4D Printing: Methodology Development and Experimental Validations

1163 Mechanical Engineering 1513 Engineering Dr., Madison, WI, United States

  Additive Manufacturing (AM) has transformed the way we design, prototype, and produce complex parts with unprecedented geometries. However, inherent process challenges lead to unsatisfactory 3D dimensional accuracy, functional part quality, and process stability. Advancements in contactless 3D scanning technology enable the in-situ 3D profiling of printed parts. These sensing capabilities can be utilized to...


Welcome Back Ice Cream Social

Mechanical Engineering Building - Atrium 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison

All undergrad and graduate students in the Mechanical Engineering or Engineering Mechanics majors are invited to celebrate the new academic year with the Department of Mechanical Engineering on September 9th from 4:30-6:30pm in Mechanical Engineering Building Atrium. *Please bring your student ID to check-in to the event​.