In recognition of their ongoing outstanding research, teaching and contributions to the campus community, three electrical and computer engineering faculty members received promotions and tenure. Each newly minted associate professor has demonstrated his commitment to discovery and innovation many times over since joining the faculty, publishing multiple high-profile papers, disclosing several patents and receiving numerous awards at the campus, national and international levels. Among other achievements, all three were named UW-Madison Dugald C. Jackson Faculty Scholars, and they also all earned prestigious CAREER Awards from the National Science Foundation.
Mikhail Kats investigates fundamental problems in optics and photonics to create next-generation optical components capable of emitting, modulating and detecting light across the visible and infrared spectral ranges.
Daniel Ludois focuses on enhancing power conversion systems to minimize the impact of passive components within circuits, improve the sustainability and performance of electric machines, and to implement capacitive coupling for wireless power transfer.
Zongfu Yu’s research hinges on fundamental optical sciences while also leveraging machine learning and nanotechnology to extract information and energy from light, with a focus on enhancing visual perception as well as sustainability.