Beth Meyerand, professor of biomedical engineering and medical physics, will serve as the next vice provost for faculty and staff affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison Provost Karl Scholz announced.
Steve Cramer
Meyerand, who will start her campus leadership position July 1, 2020, has been a faculty member at UW-Madison for 21 years. She’s served as chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, director of the university’s Science and Medicine Graduate Research Scholars program and as a member and chair of the University Committee. She received the university’s 2019 Slesinger Award for Excellence in Mentoring.
As vice provost for faculty and staff, Meyerand will work closely with individuals in administrative offices, deans of schools and colleges, and other units across campus to address issues of concern to faculty and staff. She will also support faculty and staff recruitment and retention through a number of programs, including cluster hiring, target of opportunity, and dual career couple assistance, and provide a lead role in the management of all centrally held professorships.
“I am honestly thrilled and genuinely honored by the opportunity to serve the staff and faculty at UW-Madison in the role of vice provost for faculty and staff affairs,” Meyerand says. “I am looking forward to helping to recruit and support talented and broadly diverse faculty and staff across all disciplines and in every school and college and providing them the resources they need to excel. We live in tumultuous times and the challenges are great, but I believe the opportunities are even greater. I can’t wait to get started.”
Meanwhile, Steve Cramer, a professor of civil and environmental engineering and the outgoing vice provost for teaching and learning, will remain in the provost’s office for an additional year in a special appointment as vice provost for instructional continuity and academic affairs. He’ll continue to provide leadership on the instructional continuity and related efforts necessitated by the COVID-19 virus.
Read more from University Communications.