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Chemical & Biological Engineering Research

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Materials, Polymers and Transport Processes

We are engineering new classes of hard and soft materials to improve energy storage, sense and respond to environmental analytes, selectively deliver therapeutic agents, replace petroleum-derived polymers, and enable new catalytic processes. These studies are complemented by fundamental investigations into transport processes in complex environments that enable new microfluidic technologies for human health, materials synthesis, and chemical synthesis. Research in this area is enhanced by computational modeling, applied mathematics, and machine learning, as well as numerous collaborations across campus.

Representative Topics

Soft materials, nanomaterials, fluid mechanics, colloid and interfacial engineering, self-assembly, synthesis, characterization.


Core faculty: Cersonsky, Gebbie, Graham, Klingenberg, Loo, Lynn, Schreier, Van Lehn

Affiliate faculty: Boydston, Gopalan, Spagnolie, Liu

Centers, Consortia and Institutes

Major research centers that collaborate with or include CBE faculty:

CBE-led centers: