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BME Seminar Series: Samantha Zambuto, PhD

1003 (Tong Auditorium) Engineering Centers Building 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States

Engineering Biomimetic Materials for Female Reproductive and Gynecologic Health Samantha Zambuto, PhDT32 Postdoctoral FellowWashington University School of MedicineWashington University in St. Louis Abstract:Female reproductive and gynecologic health are historically understudied...

BME Seminar Series: Louis Prahl, PhD

1003 (Tong Auditorium) Engineering Centers Building 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States

Controlling multi-scale patterning for synthetic developmental biology Louis S. Prahl, PhDPostdoctoral FellowDepartment of BioengineeringUniversity of Pennsylvania Abstract:Embryonic tissue-building processes must hierarchically pattern cells into life-sustaining structures while avoiding organizational defects that compromise organ function. Building mature and hierarchically complex synthetic organs in vitro from patient-derived cells would have a wide range of healthcare applications from...

BME Seminar Series: Claudia Fischbach, PhD

Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC) 750 Highland Ave, Madison, Wisconsin, United States

Extracellular matrix – a mechanical regulator of cancer Claudia Fischbach, PhDProfessor of Biomedical EngineeringAssociate Director of Cornell Nanoscale Science and Engineering Facility (CNF)Cornell University Co-Sponsored by the Carbone Cancer CenterCorrine Bahr Lecturer Microenvironmental conditions contribute to the pathogenesis of cancer and include altered extracellular matrix (ECM) composition and mechanical cues. However, our understanding of the...

BME Seminar Series: Dan Lipinski, PhD

1003 (Tong Auditorium) Engineering Centers Building 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States

Developing retinal laser speckle contrast imaging for the diagnosis of ocular and systemic disease Dan Lipinski, PhDAssociate Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, Cell Biology, Neurobiology and AnatomyResearch Director of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual SciencesMedical College of Wisconsin Abstract:Laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) is a powerful modality that is capable of rapidly and...

BME Design Spring Poster Presentation and 2024 Tong Awards Competition

Engineering Centers Building Atrium 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States

The biomedical engineering department invites the public to a poster session presented by biomedical engineering undergraduates. Over 40 teams will be showcasing their solutions for design projects from clients in the medical school, life sciences, engineering, and the community. For a full list of the projects and presentation times, visit the UW BME Design page.

Canceled BME Seminar Series: Garth Simpson, PhD

1003 (Tong Auditorium) Engineering Centers Building 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States

CANCELLED The Role of Symmetry in Chemically Selective Microscopy of Biological Assemblies Garth J. Simpson, PhDProfessor of ChemistryResearch Director; Young Advanced Manufacturing ofPharmaceuticals InstitutePurdue Director; NSF Center for Bioanalytic MetrologyPurdue University Abstract:Orientational ordering often defines practical function within biological systems, including molecular packing within bilayer structures that define cell membranes and protein assemblies providing structural...

BME Seminar Series: David Dean, PhD

1003 (Tong Auditorium) Engineering Centers Building 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States

Personalized Approaches to Reconstructive Skeletal Surgery David Dean, PhDPrincipal InvestigatorOsteo Engineering LaboratoryThe Ohio State University Abstract:More and more planning and conducting of reconstructive skeletal surgery is moving from the mind’s eye to computers where one can plan procedures, design and produce surgical aids (e.g., cutting guides, drill guides) and design and produce implantable devices (e.g.,...

BME 2024 Spring Graduation Lunch

Engineering Centers Building Atrium 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, United States

Celebrate the BME Class of 2024! Join us after the Camp Randall commencement ceremony for lunch and cake. Graduating students, please check your email for information about how to RSVP and about picking up your graduation gift.